
We are learning all the time and constantly updating our approach to Alpaca husbandry and to breeding from the finest genetics

Our Approach

Conformation, colour, fleece fineness, density, lustre and amplitude are all heritable qualities in Alpacas.

We research the genealogy of our females and mate them with champion herd-sires, including our own, whose genetics will enhance our breeding programme. We continuously evaluate our herd and strive to make improvements in our breeding through the process of layering phenotypical traits primarily fleece and conformation. In so doing, we have brought in elite females and stud males including from New Zealand.

The economic value of Alpacas is allied to fibre production.

We seek to breed Alpacas producing high yielding fine fleeces with good density and staple length.

Healthy Alpacas are happy Alpacas!

Good husbandry and nutrition are paramount to the conditioning and welfare of our herd and we continuously update our management techniques.

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